RottenLee Ravenous

RottenLee Ravenous (がっつきビークス Gattsuki (Greedy) Biikusu)Edit RottenLee Ravenous (がっつきビークス Gattsuki (Greedy) Biikusu) sectionEdit

The Fourth Dark Hero revealed, wearing a mask shaped like a raven with a blue beak. Like Gong the Hawkeye, he wields a scythe. His Japanese name is derived from Gattsuku, meaning "to devour greedily" and Tsuki meaning "Moon". His hero mode is called "Gong Tornado". It lets him conjure powerful tornadoes
RottenLee Ravenous
Ravenous98Added by Ravenous98
that are larger and more powerful than Gong's Tornado. He seems to prefer appearing in forest levels. He represents Greed, explaining why he looks like a raven. He also took hostage of Mecha Hoshipon, calling it his "Rare Item". He is Gong The Hawkeye, but the Archfiend of Earnestness convinced him that he would defeat the Uberhero and gave him a mask and said if he did not accept it, someone greedy would take its power. Gong accepted and was made a Dark Hero. Apparantly, he didn't want to and was tricked. While his memory is recovered, he had a last duel with the Uberhero and lost, finally he left. The following stage features to similar scene from Parabola of Hope from Patapon 2 where the zigitons arrive controling an upgraded Ziggerzank to assist you though the level, they stated that they received a letter from Gong telling them to help the Hero. He maybe a unique Grenburr, because he can wield both Greatswords and Greatblades. He is link to "Earnestness" as he wants to earn or get all of the "Rare items" he spots. He has a Class Skill that releases tornadoes from PonChaka~~PonPon. The things that he mistook as a "rare item"(please add more if you know).:
  • Window without glass
  • Dishwater
  • Pillbox
  • Naughtyfins
  • Toothpick
  • Mecha Hoshipon
  • Watermelon
  • Buzzcrave
  • Gander
  • Indomitable
  • Elixir of Eternal Life
  • Infamous
  • Shack of Shabiness