The Sixth Dark Hero revealed, wearing a mask shaped like a turtle with small, circular eyes similar to Naughtyfins' inside a carapace. He wields a Bacteon Greatshield. His Hero mode is called "Anti-Magic". He summons a turtle-shell-like barrier to block attacks (similar to Guardia's Hero mode). He probably represents Sloth, as he is often seen retreating into his shell or lying down. When he talks, he sometimes says "...", showing that he is more of the silent/lazy type. He actually saved Prince Sonarch (Sonarchy) before. It seemed that the moving speed of Slogturtle increases as he retreats back into his helmet, as seen from several cut scenes that Sonarchy is actually riding him by standing on top on him while he retreats back into his shell. He and Buzzcrave were actually high generals of the ancient Ah-ooh civilivation. He may be a type of Guardira. He is linked to "Adamance", as he will do anything he wants and he ignores doing work. His Class skill transfers his minimum attack power to his defense, making his min. attack power zero.